Brave New Brands.

Branding is a discovery process that reveals the core idea that’s already there.

The wine was already there, hidden in the grape. 

The branding process reveals core strengths and a vision for the future. Vision is articulated by creative art and design, adapted for each medium.

Marketing communicates the vision, adapted to each audience.

Phase 1. Discover and Design

Brand Identity. Knowing WHO (identity) and WHERE (direction), PURPOSE comes alive. Purpose drives goals and objectives. Brand Identity includes survey and analysis of internal and external research sources, or SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

Brand Purpose. Strategic branding is necessary in the design of positive repeat brand interactions.

1. From Brand Identity to Brand Role. What makes us unique, and how do we define this? A Brand is an identity, and identity is a role. A role has a purpose and so does a Brand. Can we define and design our purpose?

2. From Role to Intention. What do we intend, and how do we mobilize the intention? Can we design positive brand interactions? What experience(s) do we want our customers to have? Starting with a clean canvas, we draw out our brand stories and paint a picture of the future. Our Brand comes to life.

3. From Intention to Fulfillment. What is the net effect? Why do we matter? Commercial and creative design connects brand promise to a product or service, with intentionality. As a company, we internalize who we are and the role we play, aligning communications and actions with brand promise.



Phase 2. Communicate and Strategize

Activating Your Brand Purpose: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. HOW to build up success through a focus on our purpose and promise? The answer is our Marketing Strategy, driving growth and profitability through our purpose, and brand promise.

Got Questions? Talk to us